Omnet++ installation tutorial
Omnet++ installation tutorial

Omnet++ installation tutorial

OMNeT++ is a C++ simulation toolkit and framework that is largely used to create network simulators. It is extensible, modular, and component-based. The term "network" is used in a broad sense to refer to wired and wireless communication networks, on-chip networks, queueing networks, and other similar systems. Model frameworks, which are developed as separate projects, provide domain-specific features such as support for sensor networks, wireless ad-hoc networks, Internet protocols, performance modelling, photonic networks, and so on. 

OMNeT++ includes an Eclipse-based integrated development environment, a graphical runtime environment, and a number of other features. Real-time simulation, network emulation, database integration, SystemC integration, and a variety of additional functionalities are all supported by extensions. The Academic Public License governs the distribution of OMNeT++.

OMNeT++ is not a network simulator in and of itself, but it has grown in popularity as a network simulation platform in the scientific community as well as in industrial contexts, with a huge user base.

For models, OMNeT++ provides a component architecture. Components (modules) are written in C++ and then integrated into larger components and models with the help of a high-level language (NED). Model reusability is provided for free. The simulation kernel (and models) may be simply embedded into your applications thanks to OMNeT++'s comprehensive GUI support and modular architecture.


The following are the key components of OMNeT++:

  • C++ simulation kernel library
  • The NED topology description language is a language for describing topologies.
  • Based on the Eclipse platform, a simulation IDE.
  • GUI for interactive simulation runtime (Qtenv)
  • For simulation execution, a command-line interface is available (Cmdenv)
  • Utility services (makefile creation tool, etc.)
  • Documentation, simulation examples, and so on.


Queuing, resource modelling, internet protocols, wireless networks, switched LANs, peer-to-peer networks, media streaming, mobile ad hoc networks, mesh networks, wireless sensor networks, vehicular networks, NoCs, optical networks, HPC systems, cloud computing, SANs, and more have all written simulation models and model frameworks for OMNeT++ over the years. The majority of these model frameworks are free and open source, produced as separate projects with their own release cycles.

The INET Framework can be thought of as OMNeT++'s standard protocol model library. The Internet stack, as well as many additional protocols and components, are represented in INET. The OMNeT++ team maintains the INET Framework for the community, using patches and new models given by community members.


The OMNeT++ simulation kernel is written in standard C++ and runs on almost any platform that has a current C++ compiler. The Simulation IDE is compatible with Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.

Get the omnet++ package.

Download the omnet++ package from the following url; several versions of omnet++ are mentioned on the site. Select your desired omnet++ version, in this case omnet++ 4.6, and then click the download button, which is displayed below the selected version

For Omnet Installation follow the following the steps:

  1. Open the mingwenv/terminal window.
  2. The mingwenv window should now be open. By double-clicking the mingwenv window in the omnet++ installation directory.
  3. Carry out the command.
  4. Execute the command ->. setenv in the mingwenv command window.
  5. Use the Configure command to make changes to your system.
  6. Execute the command ->./configure in the mingwenv command window.
  7. Make use of the Make command.
  8. Execute the command -> make in the mingwenv command window.
  9. Carry out the command. Execute the command with omnet++ -> omnetpp
  10. Choose a workspace.To pick the workspace with the complete location, use the browse button and select the place, then press the ok button, or type the full location.
  11. Window for the workspace
  12. View the workspace that has been loaded.
  13. Contact us to create and customise omnet++ simulation projects if you have any problems installing Omnet++ 4.6 in Windows 10.

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